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Import Status

Allows you to check the status of an import created by the /import endpoint.

Data imports may take a long time, so the /import endpoint returns an importId and does not wait for it to complete. This status endpoint allows you to find out if the import has completed, review validation errors, review changes, etc.

If you use the wait:true option on the /import endpoint then it will wait until the data import has completed and then it will send the same response as this endpoint. If an import is taking more than 25 seconds (roughly) then it may redirect to itself and then continue to wait. Some HTTP libraries such as axios limit redirects to a small number, so make sure to increase that limit.


The status request is simple - just provide the importId.


Field Type Description Required
importId string This is the id that you received from the /import endpoint. true


The response will be a JSON object which has the same format as other API endpoints but will also include an importStatus object which describes the current status, etc. These are the fields on the importStatus object:

Field Type Description Presence
importId string The same importId that you sent in your request. Always
status string A text enum indicating the current state of the import. One of these: new, validating, invalid, valid, running, error, success, reverting, or reverted Always
error boolean Will either be true or false. True means an error message will be present. False means there has not yet been any errors, but the import may still be running. Always
success boolean Will either be true or false. True means the import ran to completion successfully. False means it hasn't succeeded yet, but the import may still be running. Always
done boolean Indicates whether the import has finished (either by erroring out or by successfully saving). This is a convenience - it is logically equivalent to error || success. Always
errorMessage string If an error occurred, this will contain the descriptive message. Error messages can be large for large data sets, so this may be truncated. Optional
duration integer Once the import is "done", this will contain the number of milliseconds that the process took. Optional
preview string If the import was valid, this field will contain a description of the changes to be made. For large data sets, this may be truncated or summarized, but the complete description can be seen within the control panel. Optional
createdDate Date (string) The date that the import was created - formatted as an ISO 8601 string. (e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) Always
ranDate Date (string) Once the import is "done", this will contain the date that it finished. Formatted as an ISO 8601 string. (e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) Option


  "ok": true,
  "importStatus": {
    "importId": "dltn8flp0qtjkmuhghnod",
    "status": "new",
    "error": false,
    "success": false,
    "createdDate": "2023-09-14T16:22:56.170Z",
    "ranDate": "2023-09-14T16:23:06.170Z",
    "duration": 2048,
    "errorMessage": "This is a sample error message.",
    "preview": "Will create 2 new users and update 6 list items."